
What is your mission? My mission is for sure being me , with my flaws and strength, living life with simplicity. Provide a good work ethic and discipline in any places I would work. Things that are missing respect twenty years ago. Share with my blog a genuine passion for food more then a profession….


Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why? To be honest I don’t think much about the future. I always live my life doing my best everyday without regrets. The past has been tough, very formative and not easy. The future is difficult to plan due the problematics of the…

Apple and almond cake

Hi everyone today I enjoy making this lovely cake with apple and almond, without eggs. Ingredients 255g of flour 150g almond flour 250ml of milk vanilla essence 1 sachet of baking powder 140g of sugar 2 table spoon of extra vergin olive oil 400g peeled apples a pinch of salt almond essence Procedures In a…