Describe a decision that I made in the past that helped me to learn or grow

The most important decision I made that helped me to learn a lot and helped me grow in time was when I left Italy and go and live in the UK.

I was in my early twenties and I did have a great desire to work and be independent in my life but Italy didn’t provide me any opportunities.

I went to the UK on holiday for the first time without having any plans to move.

Was my first trip abroad and I saw around many opportunities for work in my touristic visit.

I started thinking that was worth to try but in the other hand very difficult to communicate this decision to my family especially to my mother.

Few months later I was  living in the UK trying to catching opportunities.

It was very tough and difficult, my English was poor , the society different, the culture too, but inside my heart I did have the desire to do well.

Thanks to the British public I learned the language the culture and the way that the society worked.

I void Italian people and I tried my best to integrated myself in the UK.

It took me few years to start achieving things but I proved that it was right that decision under a professional point of view.

UK as always been a vibrant and exciting country to live also as foreigners plenty opportunities and that is the country I would love to see always.

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