Focaccia with chickpea flour,piccadilly tomatoes and oregano

My hometown Genoa is really popular in Italy for his own focaccia.

Since I was little I was a great lover of focaccia, so everytime i do the focaccia lots of memories come up in my mind.

With time I enjoy making focaccia using different flour always with great flavour results.

This is my homemade focaccia with chickpea flour, piccadilly tomatoes and oregano.


  • 600g of flour
  • 200g of chickpea flour
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • 450ml of  warm water
  • 14g of yeast
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • piccadilly tomatoes
  • oregano q.b.
  • marine salt q.b


Always start with dilute the yeast with the warm water and the teaspoon of sugar and leave it rest for few minutes.

Mix the two flour together with the teaspoon of salt and drizzle

in circle a bit of extra virgin olive oil.

Start adding now gradually the water with yeast and keep working the mix, until you will create a dough.

Cover the dough and let it rest until it does become double of the size in a warm dry place.

When the dough is ready drizzle a bit of flour on top so its easier to remove from the bowl and cut the quantity you need for your baking tray.

Oil well the baking try and spread it gently your dough all around the try and let it rest until it double the size againg.

Now use firmly your fingers into the dough for create an uneven surface.

Used your fingers for create some hole in your dough

Put the piccadilly tomatoes previusly diced, the oregano and the marine salt.

Now before baking create a mix with water and oil and drizzle on top of your focaccia, then baking at 250 degrees for about 15/20 minutes.

Ciao….and Enjoy it…!!!

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