Risotto strawberriers and prosecco

Hi everyone today I enjoy making this elegant and succulent risotto strawberries and prosecco  ideal for special occasions. Ingredients 200g strawberries 1/2 glass of prosecco 2 handfull of rice 1 shallots extra vergin olive oil salt Balsamic strawberry vinegar notch of butter vegetable stock Procedures Wash and diced the strawberries to start with and leave…


Hi everyone. Today I enjoy making traditional sweets from my home town Genova, very popular in the Liguria region. If I have to describe in few words, I would say that it’s frying milk. It’s actually a very yummy sweet, easy to make using only few ingredients, Ingredients 200g of flour 100g of sugar 50g…

Cod fillet wrapped in pancetta with citrus fruit pesto and roast potatoes

Hi everyone! Today I enjoy making this lovely dish with cod and pancetta, dressed with citrus fruit pesto. An amazing combination! I hope you enjoy having a look… And most importantly, making it!!! Ingredients Cod fillet 3/4 sliced od pancetta Citrus fruit pesto (please see the linguine post for the procedures) Extra virgin olive oil…

Pork loin breaded with hazelnut, chips and spicy courgettes

Hi everyone. Today I enjoy making this lovely pork loin steak, breaded with hazelnut and served with hand cut chips and mush spicy courgettes. I hope you enjoy having a look and enjoy making it!!! Ingredients Pork loin steak Hazelnuts Parsley 1 garlic cloves Breadcrumbs Extra virgin olive oil Courgettes Chillies Potatoes Salt and pepper…