Risotto with clams and pesto from Genoa


Hi everyone this is my lovely risotto clams and pesto.

I am a great lover of sea food and pesto, and combine well together this two ingridients, help me to create this succulent risotto.

That I hope everyone will enjoy making.

Risotto clams and pesto
Risotto clams and pesto

Ingridients (3 person)

  • 250g fresh clams
  • 3 tablespoon of pesto
  • half glass of white wine
  • fresh parsley
  • salt q.b.
  • pine nuts q.b.
  • 6 handfull of rice
  • extravergin olive oil
  • vegetable stock


I start to put the fresh clams in cold salty water for an hour or so, after I checked the water and see if the clams release all the sand if not I just change the salty water until I dont see the water is clear.

Then I rinse the clams under cold water for remove all the salt in excess.

In a pan I do a bit of vegetable stock and I keep it warm with gentle fire.

In another pan I put a bit of extra virgin olive oil with fine diced garlic and parsley, after a couple of minutes i add the clams to it and the half glass of wine.


I cover Them with a lid and cook until the clams are all open.

Cooked clams
Cooked clams

I filter the clams juice into the vegetable stock and I Kept it warm.

Now I start to toast my rice and gradually I add my stock.

Half way through the cooking of my risotto add the clams previously clean, and I kept few on the side for my final decoration.

When the risotto is cook I add a notch a butter and my pesto, mix everything together and i let it rest for few minutes.

Add pesto to the risotto
Add pesto to the risotto

Now I just dish it up and enjoy this succulent risotto.

Enjoy it….Ciao…!!!

Risotto clams and pesto
Risotto clams and pesto
Pre portion Risotto
Pre portion Risotto

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