Risotto strawberriers and prosecco

Hi everyone today I enjoy making this elegant and succulent risotto strawberries and prosecco  ideal for special occasions. Ingredients 200g strawberries 1/2 glass of prosecco 2 handfull of rice 1 shallots extra vergin olive oil salt Balsamic strawberry vinegar notch of butter vegetable stock Procedures Wash and diced the strawberries to start with and leave…

Risotto with cantaloupe melon and Gorgonzola dolce

Hi everyone. Today I enjoy making an original and succulent risotto using only two ingredients: cantaloupe melon and Gorgonzola dolce. Ingredients 2 handfuls of rice 3 slices of cantaloupe melon 1 small onion Vegetable stock Salt Gorgonzola dolce Extra virgin olive oil Procedures Start preparing the vegetable stock. Slice the onion very finely and cook…