Italian sweet peaches

Hi everyone. Here we are we another Christmas ideas or any other kind of event important to you.

I enjoy making these sweet Italian peache. They are a bit of time consuming, but it’s really worth making them. They taste amazing!

Sweet peaches
Sweet peaches


  • 500 g of flour
  • 200 g of sugar
  • 175 g of butter
  • 16 g of baking powder
  • 1 small tub of Nutella
  • 50 ml of  Alkermes liquor
  • 100 ml of water
  • 2 teaspoon of sugar


Start to work the eggs, butter, and the sugar for about 10 minutes. Then gradually add the flour to it.

Make a dough out of it and let it rest in the fridge for 20 minutes.

Dough in the fridge for 20 minutes
Dough in the fridge for 20 minutes

Make some mini balls from the dough. They should weight approximately 15g each. Cook them in the oven for 20 minutes at 170 degrees.

Mini balls 15g each, bake them for min ate 170 degrees
Mini balls 15g each, bake them for min ate 170 degrees

When the biscuits become a bit cooler, make some little holes on the bottom of them with the help of a knife.

Make some holes on the bottom of the biscuits
Make some holes on the bottom of the biscuits

Fill up the holes with Nutella and join together every two halves.

Filled the holes with nutella
Holes filled with Nutella

Poached them in the liquor mix with water, and then in the sugar.

Liquor and sugar
Liquor and sugar

Put them in a mini cup cake case and let them rest.

I bought some green icing sugar already prepared, and with the help of a stamp I made some holly leaf to display on top of the sweet peaches.

With the quantity I used I manage to make 30 sweet peaches.

Italian sweet peaches
Italian sweet peaches

Enjoy it… Ciao…..!!!

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