Lingune pasta with asparagus, sundried tomatoes, sweet gorgonzola and chia seeds

Hi everyone today I enjoy makin this lovely pasta dish with the additional of a superfood like the chia seeds. Ingredients linguine pasta 4/5 asparagus 4 sundried tomatoes 2 tablespoon of chia seeds gorgonzola dolce 1 shallots extra vergin olive oil Procedures Start two pan on the hob one with water for the pasta and…

Salmon en cruet with hazelnuts with broccoli and goji berries

Hi everyone today I enjoy making this lovely dish with salmon. I hope you will enjoy having a look , making and enjoy eating. Ingredients 2 fillet of salmon handfull of hazelnuts breadcrumbs parsley 2 tablespoon of mascarpone salt and pepper goji berries 1 broccoli extra vergin olive oil Procedures Blist together the hazelnuts with…

Rigatoni pancetta and pistachios

Hi everyone! Today for lunch I enjoy making this lovely pasta dish. Very rich and yummy, using unsmoked pancetta and pistachios. Ingredients 80/100g rigatoni pasta 100g unsmoked pancetta A handfull of pistachios 1 shallots Extra virgin olive oil Double cream Salt and pepper Procedures Cook gently the pancetta with the shallots (onion is good too)…