Cauliflower bake with broccoli besciamelle and hazelnuts gratin

Hi everyone today I enjoy making this lovely and yummy vegetarian dish, that can be use as main dish or side dish.

I hope all of you will enjoy having a look.

Cauliflower bake with broccoli besciamelle and gratin with hazelnuts
Cauliflower bake with broccoli besciamelle and gratin with hazelnuts


  • 1 Cauliflower
  • 1/2 broccoli
  • 500ml of milk
  • butter
  • flour
  • nutmeg
  • Hazelnuts
  • breadcrumbs
  • extra vergin olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • dill for decoration
  • handfull of parmesan cheese


Put on the hob a pan with salty water and let it boil.

When you waiting for the water to get hot start to do the besciamelle.

In a pan put a notch of butter with a teaspoon of nutmeg and let it melt.

Butter and nutmeg
Butter and nutmeg

Then add the flour, mix it with the melt butter and create a little dough.

Add gradually thr flour and keep mix it
Add gradually thr flour and keep mix it

Start now to add gradually the milk and never stop steering the mix until the density of the besciamelle is right.

Add gradually the milk
Add gradually the milk

Switch the besciamelle off and leave it on the side.

When the water is boiling add the broccoli florets and cook them for 20 minutes.

Add the broccoli florets and cook for 20 minutes
Add the broccoli florets and cook for 20 minutes

When the broccoli are ready, remove them using a spoon with holes and put the florets in a container.

Broccoli cook and in a container ready to be blist
Broccoli cook and in a container ready to be blist

Add salt and pepper if necessary a bit of extra vergin olive oil and blist them.

In the same water put now the cauliflower and cook them for 15/20 minutes.

Add the mushy broccoli to the besciamelle and mix it well together.

Add the mushy broccoli to the besciamelle and mix them together
Add the mushy broccoli to the besciamelle and mix them together

Pouring now the broccoli besciamelle in the baking pan.

Pouring the broccoli besciamelle into the baking pan
Pouring the broccoli besciamelle into the baking pan

In a mixer now put the 3/4 spoon of breadcrumbs an handfull of parmesan cheese and 2/3 spoon of hazelnuts and blist them together but not too fine.

Blist together breadcrumbs with parmesan cheese and hazelnuts
Blist together breadcrumbs with parmesan cheese and hazelnuts

Display now the cauliflower on the broccoli besciamelle and top it up with the breadcrumbs mix.

Drizzle on top of it a bit extra vergin olive oil and bake it for 25/30 minuts at 180 degrees.

Check it up during the baking, when the top is goldish remove it and let it cool down a bit.

Decorate it with a bit of dill or parsley and serve it.

Cauliflower bake with broccoli besciamelle and hazelnuts gratin
Cauliflower bake with broccoli besciamelle and hazelnuts gratin

Enjoy it….Ciao….!!!


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