Focaccia with chickpea flour and rosemary


Hi everyone. Today I enjoy making some homemade focaccia with chickpea flour.

Focaccia is one of my favourite things… I love it! Also, my hometown Genoa is really popular for it.

Focaccia with chickpea flour and rosemary
Focaccia with chickpea flour and rosemary


  • 200g chickpea flour
  • 500g of flour
  • 21g yeast
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 450ml of warm water
  • Sea salt
  • Rosemary


In a bowl, mix together the two flours and the salt and add the extra virgin olive oil.

In a different bowl dilute the yeast with a teaspoon of sugar and warm water.

Dilute the yeast with warm water and sugar
Dilute the yeast with warm water and sugar

Let the liquid rest few minutes, and then add it gradually to the flour.

Start to mix it with a kitchen spoon.

Add gradually the water to the flour
Add gradually the water to the flour

When you finish the water, start working the dough with your hands. Add a touch of flour for not letting the mix to stick to your hands.

Start to work the dough with your hands
Start to work the dough with your hands

The dough at the end doesn’t have to be sticky but elastic… And not too hard!!!

Cover the dough and let it rest for an hour and half.

Dough ready, cover it and let it rest
Dough ready, cover it and let it rest

After this time the dough will had doubled the size.

Dough after an hour and half
Dough after an hour and half

Turn the oven on at 220 degrees, and create some mini focaccia and a tray of focaccia (see picture).

Oil the baking trays first, and put the focaccias on. Let it rest for other 30 minutes.

After this time use your fingers for create some holes on the focaccia.

Add some sea salt, rosemary, and extra virgin olive oil. Bake it for 20 minutes at 220 degrees.

When is ready, let it cool down a couple minutes and enjoy it… It’s really yummy!!!


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