Homemade artisan italian ciabatta bread


Hi everyone today I really enjoy making a classic italian artisan bread…the ciabatta bread.

The difficult level of this recipe is high but the final result will reward you.

The characteristic of the mix its an high percentage of water on the total weight of the flour and a very long resting time of the mix.

Homenade artisan ciabatta bread
Homenade artisan ciabatta bread


  • 1kg of flour
  • 650g of water
  • 20g salt
  • 7g of dried yeast
  • honey
  • extra vergin olive oil


Put in a bowl  all the flour, the yeast and 520g of the water and start mix the three ingredients.

Mix the flour with the yeast and water
Mix the flour with the yeast and water

Halfway through add the salt, two table spoon of honey and the rest of the water.

Keep mixing the ingredients with your hands also if it will be very sticky for the high percentage of water, until you dont reach an homogeneous mixture.

Let the mix rest for 15 minutes.

Take now a different bowl and oil it very well using the extra vergin olive oil.

Transfer the mix into this bowl and seal it well.

Put the bowl into the fridge and leave rest there for 12/15 hours.

Mix after 12/15 hours
Mix after 12/15 hours

After the resting time transfer in a delicate way the mix on the kitchen worktop previously cover with flour.

Transfer the mix on the kitchen worktop
Transfer the mix on the kitchen worktop

It need to be transfer in a delicate way for dont ruin the work of the yeast.

Sprinkle some flour on top of the mix too.

Start to cut the bread dough to the size and weight you prefer.

Transfer them on a baking tray with some parchment paper and flour.

When the ciabatta’s are on the baking trays, cover them with a kitchen towels and let them rest for other two hours before baking.

35 or 40 minutes before baking turn on the oven at 240 degrees and put on the bottom of the oven a ceramic bowl with water.

When the oven reach the temperature put the ciabatta’s in the oven and bake them for 20 minutes.

When they are ready let them rest a bit and finally you can enjoy a traditional artisan italian ciabatta bread.

Enjoy it…..Ciao….!!!!


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