Sicilian Orange cake

Hi everyone today I enjoy making this lovely orange cake, that remind me my family origin, mum and dad they born in Sicily.

Its called in Italy Pan d’arancio.

Sicilian orange cake
Sicilian orange cake


  • 200g of flour
  • 100g of almond flour
  • 200g of sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 sachet of baking powder (15g)
  • 2 big oranges
  • 250g of carrots
  • 50ml of vegetable oil


To start with put the carrots, orange zest and juice in a blender and mix it up well together.

In a bowl put the eggs and the sugar and mix it well for at least 15 minutes.

Work the eggs and the sugar for 15 min
Work the eggs and the sugar for 15 min

Then add the oil and the almond flour and keep working the cake mix.

Now add the carrots and orange mix and gradually the flour and baking powder.

Add the carrots and orange mix and gradually the flour
Add the carrots and orange mix and gradually the flour

Butter and floured the baking tray and pouring the mix in it.

Cake mix int he baking tray
Cake mix int he baking tray

Pre heat the oven at 180 degrees and bake the cake for 50 minutes at 180 degrees.

I did have a bit of cake mix left so I made some mini cakes but I bake them only for 25 minutes with my cake, its always better not too weiste anything.

When the cakes is ready, let it cool down and then turn up side down, dreesing witha bit of icing sugar and enjoy it….

Sicilian orange cake
Sicilian orange cake



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