Spicy linguine pasta with seafood and peas


Hi everyone today I enjoy making this lovely pasta dish.

I’m a seafood and fish lover also because I born in a city in Italy closes to the sea.

This dish combine really well the seafood and the chilli.

I hope you will enjoy having a look.

Spicy linguine pasta with seafood and peas
Spicy linguine pasta with seafood and peas


  • Lingune pasta
  • Handful of frozen seafood
  • frozen peas about 150g
  • 1 lime
  • salt and pepper
  • white wine
  • 1 fresh chilli
  • 1 garlin cloves


To start with put a pan with salty water on the hob and another pan with some extra vergin olive oil and the garlic cloves.

When the water is boiling put the peas in for about 5 min.

The remove them using a  spoon with holes and put the pasta in.

Put the peas in a container with the fresh chilli diced without the seeds , salt and pepper, extra vergin olive oil and a bit of the cooking water and blist everything together.

Put the cooked peas with fresh chilli in a container with oil salt and pepper and a bit of cooking water
Put the cooked peas with fresh chilli in a container with oil salt and pepper and a bit of cooking water

In the other pan after a couple of minutes that you cooking the garlic add the seafood and let it go for another 2/3  minutes with salt and pepper before adding the wine.

Cook the seafood
Cook the seafood

Cook it gently for about ten minutes.

When the sea food is ready switch the hob off and add the creamy spicy peas to it and the pasta when is cook.

Mix the pasta with the creamy spicy peas and seafood
Mix the pasta with the creamy spicy peas and seafood

Mix them well together and dish it up.

Spicy linguine pasta with seafood and peas
Spicy linguine pasta with seafood and peas

Enjoy it….Ciao….!!!

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