Sweet Danube cake

Hi everyone! Today I would like to share with all of you my Danube cake, a classic eat-and-share cake that can be sweet or savory.

This is my sweet version that I filled with Nutella and marshmallows , but you can choose your own filling following your own taste.

Sweet Danubio cake
Sweet Danube cake


  • 530 g of flour
  • 40 g of butter
  • 1 egg
  • 7 g of yeast
  • 100 g of  sugar
  •  the zest of 1 lemon
  • 100 g of milk
  • marshmallows
  • Nutella
  • Icing sugar for decorating
  • 1 egg for brushing the cake before baking


To start with, just put all the dried ingredients in a bowl: flour, sugar, lemon zest, and yeast. Then mix it all together.

Dried ingredients
Dried ingredients

Then add the egg, warm milk, and butter, and mix all the ingredients together.

Work the dough for about 10 minutes, adding some flour if the mix is too sticky.

Work the dough about ten minutes
Work the dough about ten minutes

Cover the dough and let it rest for 4 hours, until doubles on size.

Dough double of the size and baking tray ready
Dough double of the size and baking tray ready

Now split the dough in balls, each of them weighting 40g, and start filling them with marshmallows or Nutella.

This is how I prepare the baking tray, alternating between balls of each kind.

Cake ready to be brushed
Cake ready to be brushed

I brush all the cake with one beaten egg, and leave it rest again for an additional hour.

Let the cake rest for another hour before baking
Let the cake rest for another hour before baking

This time the yeast will work again and will seal every gap of the cake.

Bake it for 35 to 45 min at 180 degrees, checking the cake during the baking period without opening the oven door.

Ciao… Enjoy it!!!

Sweet Danubio Cake
Sweet Danubio Cake



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