Lingune pasta with asparagus, sundried tomatoes, sweet gorgonzola and chia seeds

Hi everyone today I enjoy makin this lovely pasta dish with the additional of a superfood like the chia seeds. Ingredients linguine pasta 4/5 asparagus 4 sundried tomatoes 2 tablespoon of chia seeds gorgonzola dolce 1 shallots extra vergin olive oil Procedures Start two pan on the hob one with water for the pasta and…

Risotto with cantaloupe melon and Gorgonzola dolce

Hi everyone. Today I enjoy making an original and succulent risotto using only two ingredients: cantaloupe melon and Gorgonzola dolce. Ingredients 2 handfuls of rice 3 slices of cantaloupe melon 1 small onion Vegetable stock Salt Gorgonzola dolce Extra virgin olive oil Procedures Start preparing the vegetable stock. Slice the onion very finely and cook…