Apricot tart with pistachios

Hi everyone. Today I enjoy making this lovely apricot tart with pistachios.

I hope everyone will enjoy having a look and hopefully making it.

Apricot tart with pistachios
Apricot tart with pistachios


  • 420g of flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 220g butter
  • 175g sugar
  • Apricot jam
  • A pinch of salt
  • Pistachios
  • 1 tin of apricot


Mix well together the first 4 ingredients from the list. Create a dough with them and let it rest in the fridge for 3 hours.

Paistry dough
Pastry dough

Then display the dough on the baking tray and make some holes with the help of a fork.

Pour in it the apricot jam and display in it the tin apricot.

Apricot jam and tin apricot
Apricot jam and tin apricot

With the pastry you got left reinforce a bit the edge of the tart and create some leafs to put on top of the apricot.

Paistry leaf and bake it
Pastry leaf before baking it

Bake it for 25min at 180 degrees.

Let it cool down a bit and finish dressing the tart with the pistachios and icing sugar.

Icing sugar and pistachios
Icing sugar and pistachios

Enjoy it… Ciao…!!

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