Campari and orange panna cotta with pistacchio

Hi everyone. Who doesn’t like campari and orange?… This is my dessert version. I hope everyone will enjoy making and eating it.

Campari and orange panna cotta
Campari and orange panna cotta


  • 2 orange (zest and juice)
  • 6 tablespoon of sugar
  • 500 ml of double cream
  • 200 ml milk
  • 10 g of gelatin
  • 200 ml of campari
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 4 g of gelatin
  • 50 ml of water


This is a very simple dessert to make, but I can guarantee that it has a great taste and appeal for a lovely evening with friends.

Put the milk, cream, sugar, and the zest and juice of the two oranges in a pan, and gently make it hot.

Double cream, milk orange and sugar
Double cream, milk, orange, and sugar

Put the 10 g of gelatin in cold water for about 10 minutes and add it to the cream mix.

Add the gelatine
Add the gelatin

Stir gently when is warm, pouring it into glasses, and let it settle in the fridge or freezer (depending on how much time you have got).

Put the campari, the spoon of sugar and water in another pan, and gently make it hot. Then add the 4 g of gelatin and mix everything together.

Campari, water sugar and gelatine
Campari, water, sugar, and gelatin

Let it cool down a bit, and when the pannacotta is ready add it gently on top of it.

Pouring the campari gelatine on top of the pannacotta
Pouring the campari gelatin on top of the pannacotta

Let it settle down in the fridge, and finally sprinkle a few pistachios on the top… And enjoy it….

Ciao… x

Campari and orange panna cotta
Campari and orange panna cotta

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