Diabetic cheesecake with pomogranate and blueberries

Hi everyone. This is another diabetic cheesecake that I make at work.

I used mainly pomegranate and blueberries. Apologies if there’s no many pics, but I made both cake at the same time and it ended being a bit chaotic.

Diabetic cheesecake with pomogranate and blueberries
Diabetic cheesecake with pomegranate and blueberries


  • 350 g natural Greek yogurt
  • 300 ml of double cream
  • 60 ml of milk
  • 8 plus 2 gelatin leaf
  • 300 g digestive biscuits
  • 150 g of butter
  • 2 pomegranate
  • 400 g of blueberries
  • 2 oranges
  • 4 cups of sweeter


Blist very finely all the biscuits and mix them with the melted butter. Display the mix on the bottom of your baking tray and let it rest in the fridge.

Biscuits and butter base
Biscuits and butter base

Whip the cream with the sweeter and leave it on the side.

Poach 8 leafs of gelatin in cold water.

When the gelatin is soft warm up the milk and dilute the gelatin in it.

Pour the milk mix into the yogurt and mix them well together.

Open the pomegranate in half and take all the seeds out. Add them to the yogurt mix.

add the pomogranete to the mix
Add the pomegranate to the mix

Now add the double cream to the mix gently, a bit at a time.

Mix well all together, and pour it on top the biscuits base. Let it rest in the fridge for few hours.

Blist now the blueberries with the juice of the two oranges, and pass it through a strainer for removing all the bits.

Put the two leafs of gelatin into some cold water. Once they are soft dilute them with a little bit of boiling water and add it to the blueberries compote.

Pour it on top the cheesecake. Add some other fruits if you fancy, and let it settle in the fridge.

Diabetic cheese cake with pomogranate and blueberries
Diabetic cheese cake with pomegranate and blueberries

You can freeze it too, which is precisely like I did because it won’t last until Christmas otherwise!

I hope you enjoy this recipe… Ciao!!!


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