Flamusse bressanne

Hi everyone. Today I enjoy making this French tart (very simple and quick to make) called Flamusse bressanne, with pastry wine base, apple, and egg, milk and yogurt mousse.

Flamusse bressanne
Flamusse bressanne


Pastry base:
  • 250 g flour 00
  • 100 g butter
  • 1 egg
  • 60 g sugar
  • 1/4 glass of white wine
  • 4 apples
  • 2 eggs
  • 40 g of sugar
  • Vanilla essence
  • 30 g butter
  • 125 ml of milk
  • 125 ml of Greek yogurt


Mix the all the ingredients for the pastry base in a bowl and create a dough. It has to be dry and no sticky. Let it rest in the fridge.


Now I start to create the filling for my cake. In a bowl I put the eggs and the sugar and I mix it for about ten minutes. Then I add vanilla essence, milk, and the Greek yogurt, and I keep mixing it for few more minutes.

I leave the filling resting in the fridge, and I start to peel my apples, slicing them up.

In a pan I put my 30 g of butter and I cook my sliced apples for few minutes. Then I let it to cool down.

Now I took my pastry from the fridge, I put it on top of some grease-proof paper and I roll it.

Doing it on the grease-proof paper will make it easier to display on your baking tray.

Cook the pastry on its own for 15 min at 210 degrees. Then take it out and add the apples and the filling, and cook it for another 25 min at 180 degrees.

After 15min add the apples and filling
After 15 min add the apples and filling

Once the cake is ready, let it to cool down before you remove it from the baking tray… And enjoy it!


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