Focaccia al formaggio di Recco

Hi everyone! Near by my village in Italy there is another village called Recco, famous in the world for his own focaccia al formaggio (cheesy focaccia).

This is my homemade version, which actually came quite nice.

Focaccia al formaggio
Focaccia al formaggio

You need to use a very creamy cheese. In my town we used a cheese called stracchino, or another cheese called crescenza.

Can happen that the cheese is still not very runny, but you can work it out with a bit of milk.

It is a very simple dish that doesn’t involves many ingredients.


  • 250g of flour
  • water q.b.
  • extra virgin olive oil q.b.
  • sea salt q.b.
  • 150g of stracchino cheese
  • milk if required


Drizzle on top the flour a bit of extra virgin olive oil and pouring a bit of water at time until you  create a dough.


Divide the dough in two and let it rest for 40 min.

Two half dough
Two half dough

Turn on your oven and set it up to 250 degrees. Leave it reach this temperature while we prepare the focaccia.

Now if you need to work the cheese with a bit of milk it is the right time otherwise just wait until the dough is ready to be worked.

Put on your table a bit of grease-proof paper and half of the dough. Work it with your rolling pin until is very thin and display it on your baking tray.

Pour the cheese in it and cover it with the other half dough.

Before baking it, make a mixture of water and oil and pour it on top of your focaccia with a bit of sea salt.

Topping oil water

Make sure your dough its really thin at both sides, cut with the top of dough with a knife and bake it at 250 degrees for 15 minutes.


Enjoy it…..Ciao !!!!

Cooked focaccia
Cooked focaccia

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