Italian Bomboloni

Hi everyone. Most of people will love this post. Who doesn’t like bomboloni or doughnut? In every country they have a different name, and everyone at least eat one of them in their life time.

These are my lovely bomboloni…



  • 200ml of milk
  • 60g of sugar
  • 550g of flour (half of it 00, the other half manitoba flour)
  • 2 eggs
  • Vanilla essence
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Caster sugar q.b.


In bowl I add all the dried ingredients, and then I add the eggs, milk and vanilla essence and I work the dough.

Work the dough
Work the dough

When I have finished working my dough, I put it in a bowl and I cover it with cling film. I let it rest for 3 hours.

After the 3 hours, I pre-portion my dough in 100g each bowl and I let it rest for another hour.

In a pan I put my vegetable oil, and gently I make it hot and I fry my dough balls.

Take them out when the colour is gold-ish and sprinkle on top some caster sugar…  And enjoy it! And I’m sure you will….



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