Linguine pasta with citrus fruit pesto and pistachios

Hi everyone! Today I enjoy making this refreshing and really tasty pasta dish using some citrus fruit.

I hope you enjoy having a look… And making it! It’s really worth it!!!

Linguine pasta with citrus fruit pesto and pistachios
Linguine pasta with citrus fruit pesto and pistachios


  • Linguine pasta
  • Basil
  • Pistachios
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 orange
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper



Let’s start …

Put in a pan with salty water on the hob. We will need it ready for the pasta.

Now start making the pesto. In a mixer, just put the basil leafs and the pistachios, and then blend them together.

Basil and pistachios into the mixer
Basil and pistachios into the mixer

Now take the zest from both the orange and the lemon and add it into the mixer.

Add the zest of an orange and one lemon
Add the zest from an orange and one lemon

Take now the pulp from the orange and half of the pulp from the lemon and add it into the mixer too.

Add the pulp of an orange and half lemon
Add the pulp from an orange and half a lemon

Add now into the mixer the extra virgin olive oil, salt, and pepper, and mix everything well together.

To finish, add the parmesan cheese. Taste the mix to know if you need to add a bit of salt and pepper.

Citrus fruit pesto and pistachio ready
Citrus fruit pesto and pistachio ready

When the pasta is ready pour away most of the water and mix the pesto in it.

I hope you like this recipe… Enjoy it!!!


Linguine pasta with citrus fruit pesto and pistachios
Linguine pasta with citrus fruit pesto and pistachios

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