Linguine pasta with courgette, king prawns, and Goji berries

Hi everyone. Today for lunch I enjoy making this lovely pasta dish with a courgettes pesto, king prawns, and Goji berries. These Goji berries have been qualify as super-food that will give to your pasta dish a sweet touch.

Linguine pasta with courgette, king prawn and goji berries
Linguine pasta with courgette, king prawn, and Goji berries


  • 1 courgette
  • 5/8 leaf of basil
  • Handfull of pistachios
  • 2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese
  • The zest of one lemon
  • 3 king prawns (I bought them frozen and already clean)
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Linguine pasta
  • Handful of Goji berries


Wash the courgette and cut only the green of it for making the pesto.

Put the pistachios and the Parmesan cheese in the blender, and blend them together until is really fine. Then add the courgette, the pesto leafs, salt, lemon zest, and extra virgin olive oil. Everything just a bit at a time.

When the pesto is ready, just leave it on the side.

Pesto ready
Pesto ready

Put the water for the pasta on the hob.

In a glass with hot water put the Goji berries so they can get softer.

Goji berries in hot water
Goji berries in hot water

In a pan with a notch of butter cook the king prawns.

When they are cooked, peel them and cut two of them, and put them back in the pan with Goji berries for a couple of minutes.

Cook the prawns and goji berries together for a couple of minutes
Cook the prawns and Goji berries together for a couple of minutes

When the pasta is ready add it into the pan with a bit of water used for cooking it and add the pesto to it.

Add the pasta and the pesto
Add the pasta and the pesto

Mix everything well together and dish it up, adding at the end the king prawn you got left.


Enjoy it….!!! Ciao….!!!

Linguine pasta with courgette, king prawn and goji berries
Linguine pasta with courgette, king prawn and Goji berries


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