Lingune pasta with asparagus, sundried tomatoes, sweet gorgonzola and chia seeds


Hi everyone today I enjoy makin this lovely pasta dish with the additional of a superfood like the chia seeds.

Linguine pasta with asparagus, sundried tomatoes, gorgonzola dolce and chia seeds
Linguine pasta with asparagus, sundried tomatoes, gorgonzola dolce and chia seeds


  • linguine pasta
  • 4/5 asparagus
  • 4 sundried tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoon of chia seeds
  • gorgonzola dolce
  • 1 shallots
  • extra vergin olive oil


Start two pan on the hob one with water for the pasta and in the other one a bit extra vergin olive oil with the diced shallots, diced asparagus and sundried tomatoes.

Shallots, asparagus ans sundried tomatoes
Shallots, asparagus ans sundried tomatoes

Add a bit of your cooking water to the sauce, in about 5 to 10 minutes your sauce it will be ready.

Few minutes before add the gorgonzola dolce the sauce and just let it melt….dont over cook.

Melt the gorgonzola dolce in it
Melt the gorgonzola dolce in it

When the pasta is cook add it to the sauce with table spoon of chia seeds and mix well together.

Add the pasta into the sauce with chia seeds
Add the pasta into the sauce with chia seeds

Dish it up and sprinle on top the other spoon of chia seed.

Linguine pasta with asparagus, sundried tomatoes, gorgonzola dolce and chia seeds
Linguine pasta with asparagus, sundried tomatoes, gorgonzola dolce and chia seeds

Enjoy it….!!!….Ciao….!!!

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