Paccheri pasta with salmon, gorgonzola dolce and pistachios

Hi everyone! Today I enjoy making this lovely pasta dish with a lovely mixture of flavours, which is ready in just 15 minutes.

I hope all of you enjoying having a look… And making it!!!

Paccheri pasta with salmon, gorgonzola dolce and pistachios
Paccheri pasta with salmon, Gorgonzola dolce, and pistachios


  • Paccheri pasta
  • Fresh salmon
  • Gorgonzola dolce
  • Pistachios
  • Garlic cloves
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Cooking cream


To begin with, clean the salmon, wash it, and remove the skin. Then chop it into pieces.

Put in a pan a bit of extra virgin olive oil with the garlic cloves. Cook it for few minutes and then remove the garlic (if you don’t like it) and add the salmon. Cook it for about 10/12 minutes.

Cook the salmon for 10/12 minutes
Cook the salmon for about 10/12 minutes

Now put on your hob two pans: one for the pasta, and another one for melting down the gorgonzola with the cream.

Now, crush the pistachios and leave them on the side.

When the gorgonzola sauce is ready, add it to the salmon with a bit of the cooking water from boiling the pasta.

Add the gorgonzola sauce to the salmon
Add the gorgonzola sauce to the salmon

When the pasta is ready, add it to the sauce with the pistachios and mix everything well together.

Dish it up and enjoy it!!! Ciao!!!

Paccheri pasta with salmon, gorgonzola dolce and pistachios
Paccheri pasta with salmon, Gorgonzola dolce, and pistachios

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