Pomegranate tart with meringue

Hi everyone! Today I enjoy making this lovely tart using pomegranate, and topped with meringue.

For making this tart you need to divide the process in three steps: the pastry, the pomegranate filling, and the meringue.

Pomogranante tart with meringue
Pomegranate tart with meringue

Underneath the ingredients I used:


  • 300g of flour
  • 120g of butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 100g of sugar
  • 8g of baking powder
  • 2 pomegranates
  • 100ml of water
  • 2 lemons
  • 200g of sugar
  • 60g of corn flour
  • 3 egg whites
  • 100g of icing sugar


In bowl mix the 300g of flour with the 2 eggs, 120g of butter at room temperature, 100g of sugar, and the 8 g of baking powder.

Mix the ingredients for the paistry
Mix the ingredients for the pastry

Create the dough, wrap it in cling film and let it rest in the fridge for an hour.

Now I focus on the second step. Take the seeds from the pomegranate, put them in the blender with the lemon juice, and blist them.

Pass it for remove all the seeds and put the juice in a pan. Then add the water and sugar and heat it up until the boiling point.

Then add the corn flour and mix it well together until the consistency its right.

Add the corn flour for making the mix dense

Transfer the filling into a different bowl so it can cool down quickly and it can get harder fast.

Now I take the pastry from the fridge, I work it with a rolling pin, I display it into my baking tray. With a fork I make few holes in the pastry and I bake it for 25 minutes at 160 degrees.

When the pastry is cooked I let it cool down, and then I add in it the pomegranate filling and I spread it inside the tart.

Now the third and last step is the meringue. I put in a bowl the eggs whites and the icing sugar, beat them well together,  and I pour it on top the pomegranate filling.

Put the meringue on top of the tart
Put the meringue on top of the tart

I put the cake back in the oven and bake it for about 10-15 more minutes at 160 degrees, until the meringue is cooked.

Pomogranate tart with meringue
Pomegranate tart with meringue

I hope everyone enjoy this recipe…


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