Tagliatelle pasta with butternut squash and mussels

Hi everyone. Today I enjoy making this lovely pasta dish. For a seafood lover like me its a really yummy plate.

Tagliatelle pasta with butternut squash and mussels
Tagliatelle pasta with butternut squash and mussels


  • tagliatelle pasta
  • 1/4 of a butternut squash
  • 1/4 onion
  • Mix of fresh herbs (basil, parsley, dill)
  • 1 carrot
  • Celery q.b.
  • Salt and pepper
  • Mussels
  • Extra-virgin olive oil
  • White wine q.b.


Let’s start cooking the butternut squash in a pan with the herbs, onion, and carrots for about ten minutes, adding a bit bit of water from time to time.

Cook the butternut squash for 10 min
Cook the butternut squash for 10 min

Put now the salty water on the hob for the pasta.

In a different pan put some extra-virgin olive oil with a garlic clove and the mussels. When they to start to open add the white wine.

Cook the mussels
Cook the mussels

When the butternut squash mix is ready, blist it in the blender with a bit of cooking water from the pasta and extra-virgin olive oil for giving it the right consistency and brightness.

Blist in the blender the butternut squash
Blist the butternut squash in the blender

Remove from the shell the mussels, but keep a few with the shell to be used as decoration. Put them in the pan with the cooked pasta and a couple spoons of the butternut squash puree.

Mix everything well together
Mix everything well together

Mix everything well together with a little bit of water from cooking the pasta and dish it up.

I hope all of you enjoy this lovely dish…

Tagliatelle pasta with butternut squash and mussels
Tagliatelle pasta with butternut squash and mussels


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