Tiramisu Nutella and hazelnuts

Hi everyone. Today I enjoy making a sickly tiramisu, but really yummy with Nutella and hazelnuts.

I hope you enjoy having a look …. And most important… Making it!!!

Tiramisu Nutella and hazelnut
Tiramisu Nutella and hazelnut



  • Savoiardi biscuits
  • 250 g Mascarpone cheese
  • 200 g cream
  • Espresso coffee
  • Milk
  • Hazelnut syrup
  • 100 g sugar
  • Nutella
  • Hazelnuts


To begin this lovely Tiramisu, start to making your espresso coffee. When is ready add some hazelnuts syrup and the milk and leave it on the side.

Crush the hazelnuts and leave them on the side too.

Crushed hazelnuts
Crushed hazelnuts

Put the Mascarpone cheese, sugar, and 2/3 good scoops of Nutella in a bowl and mix them well together.

In a different bowl, whip the cream and add gradually to the Mascarpone mix.

Gradually add the cream to the mascarpone mix
Gradually add the cream to the Mascarpone mix

Now all the ingredients are ready and you can start creating the tiramisu.

Start from the bottom of the glass, putting some Mascarone mix.

Mascarpone mix on the bottom of the glass
Mascarpone mix on the bottom of the glass

Pouch the Savoiardi biscuits into the milk and coffee mix , cut in half, and display on top the mascarpone mix.

Keep going lying the Savoiardi biscuits and the Mascarpone mix until the top of the glass.

Dress the top with a bit of cocoa powder and the crushed hazelnuts, and let the tiramisu rest in the fridge a couple of hours before eating.

Tiramisu nutella and hazelnuts
Tiramisu Nutella and hazelnuts

Enjoy it!!!… Ciao!!!

Tiramisu nutella and hazelnuts
Tiramisu Nutella and hazelnuts


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