Apricot and almond cake

Hi everyone today I enjoy making this lovely cake with apricot and almond.

Apricot and almond cake
Apricot and almond cake


  • 180g of flour
  • 100g of almond
  • 2 eggs
  • 150g of sugar
  • milk q.b.
  • 8 apricots (depends of the size)
  • 100g of butter
  • 15g of baking powder


First thing to do is to melt the butter in a pan and leave it.

Melt the butter
Melt the butter

The second step is putting the almonds in a mixer. I crushed them up, and I took about 30g and I left them on the side for my final decoration.  I process the rest until it turns very fine, like almond flour.

Crushed and mix the almond really fine
Crushed and mix the almond, really fine

In a bowl I mix all the dried ingredients: flour, almond flour and baking powder. So now I am ready to start the cake.

Mix together all the dry ingridients
Mix together all the dry ingredients

In a bowl I mix the eggs and sugar for about 10/15 minutes until I see my mix like a creamy white colour.

Then I start adding gradually the flour.

Add the flour gradually
Add the flour gradually

When I finish with the flour I add my melted butter that would be cold and melted and I add it to my mix.

Add the melt butter
Add the melted butter

If the mix is still stiff, it can be corrected adding a bit of milk at time, until you reach the right consistency.

Add the milk
Add the milk

Switch on the oven and leave at 180 degrees and prepare your baking tray.

Wash your apricot sliced into four pieces and display as you like on top of your cake mix.

Display your apricot
Display your apricot

Sprinkle on top of it the crushed almond (that you previously left on a side) and a bit of brown sugar.

Crushed almond and brown sugar
Crushed almond and brown sugar

Bake the cake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees, then switch off the oven and leave the cake in the oven for other 10/15 min.

Let the cake cool down sprinkle a bit of icing sugar before serving… And enjoy it…


Apricot and almond cake
Apricot and almond cake

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