Cod fillet wrapped in pancetta with citrus fruit pesto and roast potatoes

Hi everyone! Today I enjoy making this lovely dish with cod and pancetta, dressed with citrus fruit pesto. An amazing combination!

I hope you enjoy having a look… And most importantly, making it!!!

Cod fillet wrapped in pancetta with citrus fruit pesto
Cod fillet wrapped in pancetta with citrus fruit pesto


  • Cod fillet
  • 3/4 sliced od pancetta
  • Citrus fruit pesto (please see the linguine post for the procedures)
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • A potato


To start, put a pan with salty water on the hob. You will need it for boiling the potato before roasting it.

Wrap the cod fillet with the pancetta slices, and put it on a baking tray with the potato which should have been previously boiled for about ten minutes.

Cod fillet wrapped in pancetta with potato on the baking tray
Cod fillet wrapped in pancetta with potato on the baking tray

Dress it with salt, pepper, and rosemary, and bake it for about 15/20 minutes at 170ºC.

Once it’s ready,  you can start dishing up the plate starting with the citrus fruit pesto. Then, place the roasted potato and end with the cod fillet on the top.

Citrus fruit pesto and potaot to start dishing up
Citrus fruit pesto and potato to start dishing up

Decorate the plate with few crushed pistachios and baby basil leafs and enjoy it!!!


Cod fillet wrapped in pancetta with citrus fruit pesto
Cod fillet wrapped in pancetta with citrus fruit pesto

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