Diabetic cheesecake with raspberry and strawberry

Hi everyone. Today I decided to make for these two diabetic cheesecakes for Christmas at work.

The first one is with strawberry and raspberry.

I hope everyone will enjoy having a look and more important enjoy making.

Down below are the ingredients for the first one.

Diabetic cheesecake with strawberry and raspeberry
Diabetic cheesecake with strawberry and raspberry


  • 350 g of natural Greek yogurt
  • 300 ml of double cream
  • 60 ml of milk
  • 8 plus 2 gelatin leaf
  • 300 g digestive biscuits
  • 150 g of butter
  • 400 g raspberry
  • 400 g of strawberry
  • 4 cups of sweeter
  • 2 oranges


First of all, crumble well the biscuits and melt the butter. Mix them well together and spread it on the bottom of your baking tray.

Biscuits and butter base
Biscuits and butter base

Put the baking tray in the fridge and let it rest for half an hour.

Put 8 leafs of gelatin in cold water and let them get soft.

Whisk the double cream with Candarel or sweeter until it become nearly hard.

Squeeze well the water out of the gelatin and dilute it in a pan with warm milk.

Add the milk with gelatin to the yogurt and assemble them well together.

Double cream and yogurt
Double cream and yogurt

Blist roughly the raspberry and add it to the yogurt.

Now add the double cream to the compote with yogurt and raspberry. Work it well together, until is homogeneous.

Pour the mix on top the biscuits and leave it rest in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Now blist most of the strawberry with the juice from the oranges and pass it.

Pass the strawberry
Pass the strawberry

Put the 2 leafs of gelatin in cold water until soft.

Squeeze and dilute them in a little bit if hot water and add it to the strawberry. Pout it on top of your cheesecake and decorate the top in any way you fancy .

Decorate how you like
Decorate how you like

Let it set again in the fridge and after you can freeze if you need too.

Enjoy it… Ciao !!!!

Diabetic cheese cake with strawberry and raspeberry
Diabetic cheese cake with strawberry and raspberry



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