Kamut and rosemary Focaccia

Hi everyone! Today I enjoy making a lovely focaccia with Kamut flour and rosemary.

Focaccia is a typical dish and very popular in my own town Genoa, and I really love it.

I did used a different flour. Kamut flour its more digestible, does not contain cholesterol   plus few more quality.

Kamut and resemary focaccia
Kamut and rosemary focaccia


  • 500g Kamut flour
  • 250ml of warm water
  • 15g of salt
  • 5g of sugar
  • 4 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • Rosemary
  • Sea salt
  • 21g fresh yeast


Put the flour in a bowl and add the salt

In a glass dilute the yeast with a bit of warm water and the sugar, and then add the rest of the water.

Let it rest the liquid a bit, then add gradually to the flour and mix it together. Begin with the help of the spoon the with your hand.

Add water with yeast
Add water with yeast

Create the dough, cover it and put in a warm place for 4 hours.


After the 4 hour divide the dough into two equal parts.

Devide the dough into two
Divide the dough into two

Spread the into your baking tray let it rest again for an hour or so.

Use your fingers to create the holes on your focaccia, drizzle the extra virgin olive oil mix with water and sprinkle some sea salt and rosemary.

Dressed your facaccia
Dressed your focaccia

Bake it for 25/30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Enjoy it….!!! Ciao….!!!!

Kamut and resemary focaccia
Kamut and rosemary focaccia

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