Pan Brioche honey and hazelnuts

Hi everyone! Today I enjoy making this delicious pan Brioche, made with simple and healthy ingredients.

I hope you will enjoy having a look and making it… It’s really worth it… And it’s suitable for a brunch or as a healthy breakfast.

Pan brioche honey and hazelnuts
Pan brioche honey and hazelnuts


  • 650g flour
  • 2 eggs plus 1 yolk
  • 14g of dried yeast
  • 100ml of milk
  • 2 spoons of sugar
  • 300g of honey greek yogurt
  • Honey
  • 60g of butter
  • Hazelnuts
  • A pinch of salt


The most important thing in this recipe its the three steps of resting time.

First step, dilute the yeast in the warm milk with a spoon of sugar, using a tea spoon or your hand.

Delute the yeast into warm milk and a spoon of sugar
Dilute the yeast into warm milk and a spoon of sugar

Add to it 50g of flour from the total, and mix it well together. Let it rest for 30 min.

Mother yeast
Mother yeast

In the mean time, put the eggs in bowl with the yogurt and the honey, and mix them for 5 minutes.

In a bowl the 2 eggs, yogurt and them for 5 min
Put in a bowl the 2 eggs, yogurt and honey… And work them for 5 min

After the 30 minutes, add the mother yeast to the eggs and yogurt compote with the rest of the flour and the soft butter.


Mix well the dough with your hands, cover it, and let it rest for 3 hours in a dry, warm place. This is the second step…

After three hours, divide the dough into two balls. Then, work them and give them the shape that you prefer. Cover them with a towel and let them rest for other 30 minutes… This is the third and last step.

I scored mines, and then I brushed them with egg yolk sprinkled the top with some crushed hazelnuts. To finish, I drizzled some sugar on top before baking them.

Pan brioche ready to go in the oven
Pan brioche ready to go in the oven

Now the pan brioche is ready to go into the oven. Bake it for the first 10 minutes at 200 degrees, and at 180 degrees for the last 30 minutes.

When the pan brioche is cooked, let it rest and cool down before enjoying it…


Pan brioche honey and hazelnuts
Pan brioche with honey and hazelnuts

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