Pork chop in orange sauce and vegetables

Hi everyone! Today I enjoy making this lovely dish with pork.

I hope you will enjoy having a look… And making it!!!

Add the pasta with parmesan cheese
Add the pasta with parmesan cheese


  • A pork chop
  • 2 oranges
  • Honey
  • Cauliflower
  • Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Sprouts
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Butter
  • Parmesan cheese


To start, put two pans with water on the hob: one  will be for the cauliflower and the potatoes; the other one for the sprouts and carrots.

I use two because they have got different cooking times.

In a separate pan, put a bit of vegetable oil. When the oil is hot, put the chop and seal it a couple of minutes each side. Then remove it from the pan.

In the same pan put the diced onion and cook it until it gets a gold-ish colour.

Squeeze the juice from two oranges and emulsionate it with some honey.

When the onion is cooked, put back into the pan the chop with the orange juice and honey, and cook it for another 8/10 minutes.

When the onion is cook put back in the pan the chop and orange sauce
When the onion is cooked, put back into the pan the chop and orange sauce

After ten minutes the sprouts and carrots should be ready. Remove the water and leave them on the side.

After 15 minutes the cauliflower and potatoes should be cooked. Pour the water away and mash them together adding a notch of butter, parmesan cheese, and a touch of milk.


Add a bit of salt and pepper to the chop in the sauce and to the cauliflower mush.

Now I dish it up… Everyone can do it in a way that is more suitable for them. Personally I prefer putting the vegetables underneath the chop, and then I drizzle the orange sauce (previously filtered) on the top.

Enjoy it! Ciao!!!

Add the pasta with parmesan cheese
Add the pasta with parmesan cheese


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