Tiramisu strawberry and raspberry Greek yogurt

Hi everyone. The good season is coming and I would like to propose to all of you another idea.

This tiramisu does not involves lots of work, not is time consuming. It’s easy to make and really yummy to eat.

Tiramisu strawberry and raspberry greek yogurt
Tiramisu strawberry and raspberry Greek yogurt


  • 250 g of Mascarpone
  • 300 g of fresh strawberries
  • 200 g raspberry Greek yogurt
  • Savoiardi (ladyfinger) biscuits
  • 3 tablespoons of icing sugar
  • A handful of pistachios
  • White chocolate for decoration


First thing wash the strawberries. Cut most of them and put them in a blender with a spoon of sugar.

Keep few strawberries on the side to decorate your tiramisu.

Pour the strawberries juice in a plate. You will need to pouch your Savoirdi biscuits at the time you add it.

Now in a bowl put the Mascarpone with the three spoons of icing sugar.

Mascarpone with icing sugar
Mascarpone with icing sugar

Work it with the mixer until is soft, abd then add the yogurt and work all well together.

Add the greek yogurt and a bit of milk
Add the Greek yogurt and a bit of milk

Add a bit of milk to the Mascarpone mix to make it a bit more runny, not too stiff.

Now that all the ingredients are ready, it’s time to start lying down the tiramisu.

With the ingredients I listed earlier, I managed to do six glasses of tiramisu.

Start putting at the bottom of the glass a bit of Mascarpone and yogurt mix. Then after pouching the biscuits into the strawberry juice, lay them on top of it. Keep it going like this until the top of the glass.

Finish of the tiramisu with some strawberry wedges, grated white chocolate, and crushed pistachios.

Tiramisu strawberry and greek yogurt
Tiramisu strawberry and greek yogurt

Enjoy it….!!! Ciao….!!

Tiramisu strawberry and raspberry greek yogurt
Tiramisu strawberry and raspberry greek yogurt

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