Turkey and courgettes meatballs with hazelnut grains

Hi everyone! These are my lovely and yummy meatballs with turkey mince, grated courgettes, and hazelnut grains. And without using eggs!

turkey meatballs with courgettes and hazelnut grains
turkey meatballs with courgettes and hazelnut grains


  • 400 g of turkey mince
  • 30 g hazelnut grains
  • 4/5 small courgettes
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper q.b.
  • Parsley q.b.
  • Breadcrumbs (optional)
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Parmesan cheese q.b.


First of all, I finely diced the onion and the garlic. Then I put them in a pan with two tablespoons of oil and cooked them.

In a bow l put the rest of the ingredients and add them in a mix when the onion and garlic are cooked and cold.

All ingridients in a bowl
All ingredients in a bowl

Mix all the ingredients well together and let it rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Cover a baking tray with some parchment paper, and with wet hands make your meatballs.

Meatballs before cooking
Meatballs before cooking

Bake them for 20-25 minutes at 180º C and then enjoy them….


Turkey and courgettes meatballs with hazelnut grains
Turkey and courgettes meatballs with hazelnut grains

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